Trainertext Offline Games

Offline Games and Exercises Tabletop and verbal games — play at home, in the car, or wherever you are These simple games are designed for children aged 3 and up. The help develop strong phonemic awareness, blending, segmenting, rhyming, and auditory processing...

Trainertext Books

Trainertext Books Our book, The 9 Causes of Reading Difficulty, will be out on Amazon soon. Watch this space! << back to Trainertext Resource...

Trainertext Manuals

Trainertext Manuals Want to teach your child to read using a structured approach to TVP?  Download the manual for a 10-step process to teach a beginner or struggler. All you need is a card set (printable for free here, or for purchase here), and a praise-mindset. And...

Pictophonics Printables

pictophonics Printables Trainertext Workbook for School or Home Use Our 8 workbooks introduce each of the pictophones, and include practice phonics exercises, word lists, and colo(u)ring pages! Click on the image to download. *Note compatible with the Easyread System*...

Trainertext Games

Online pictophonics Resources Games for Learning the Pictophones *These games are all designed for desktop/laptop use only* Our popular Super Search (character-mode) helps children learn the pictophonics character by spotting it in a crowd. Super Search:...

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